Paragis grass or Goose Grass, scientifically known as Eleusine indica, has gained viral popularity on social media, touted as a miraculous remedy for various health issues. This article aims to dissect the claims surrounding Paragis grass and present a nuanced perspective based on scientific insights and expert opinions.

Social media posts

Some Facebook posts shared a lengthy description of Eleusine indica /paragis grass with its multi-beneficial features.

No wonder this grass went viral all over social media. With its endless health benefits, it is truly God’s gift to mankind. We can find this weed almost everywhere throughout the Philippines and mostly in warm countries. This grass is widely spread along river banks, settled areas and even along roads! And because of our ignorance about the abundance of its uses, it is normally ignored by many.

Many people have testified about how amazing and effective this grass is in treating common and severe illnesses. Now, we present to you the reasons behind the buzz.

What are the Health Benefits of Paragis?

#Paragis is widely used in Africa as an alternative medicine to different kinds of illnesses.

Aeta people from Porac, Pampanga used burnt dried leaves of Paragis as a repellent against insects.

Leaves of Paragis contain silicon monoxide, calcium oxide, and chlorine.

Dried leaves contain protein.

Many declared it to be anti-inflammatory, a natural antihistamine, a natural diuretic, antidiabetic, an effective anti-oxidant and has cytotoxic properties.

Parts of Paragis that Can Be Used as a Herbal Medicine

Leaves- Drinking boiled leaves of Paragis or making a Paragis Tea will ease several pains and illnesses. You can also patch the minced or pulverized leaves on some conditions.

Stems - Boil the stem with leaves to achieve more effective results

Roots - Drinking boiled roots can also cure several illnesses.

Health Conditions That Can Be Cured by Paragis

#Cancer - Because of this plant’s antioxidant properties, this can lower the risk of growing cancer cell in your body.

#Ovarian Cyst and Myoma -Patients with ovarian cyst conditions have proven that drinking Paragis tea in a daily basis has made the cyst completely disappear.

#Kidney Problems - Paragis is a natural diuretic which increases the amount of water in our body and expells salt as urine.

#Arthritis - Heat pounded leaves mixed with scraped coconut. Patch and bandage on the affected area.

#Diabetes - Drink Paragis tea regularly and say goodbye to diabetes.

#Wounds - Apply decoction to wound to stop the bleeding.

#Parasitism -Paragis is a strong laxative that can flush out worms and parasites from your stomach.

#Urinary Tract Infection - You may stop taking antibiotics and start drinking boiled leaves to immediately cure UTI

#Hypertension - Lower the risk of high blood pressure by drinking boiled leaves and stems of Paragis.

#Fever - You won’t be needing any medication to reduce your temperature. Just drink boiled roots of Paragis for faster and more effective results.

#Sprain (Pilay) - To have an instant relief from a sprain, patch some minced leaves on the affected area.

#Dandruff - Reduce the appearance of dandruff. Mix minced leaves and stems with coconut oil. Use it as a shampoo and gently massage it on your scalp. It can also stop hair fall and help your hair grow back to its original thickness.

#Dysentery - This is a type of gastroenteritis that results in diarrhea with blood. Drink boiled roots of Paragis to ease this alarming condition.

#Other Illnesses that Can Be Cured By Paragis:

Asthma , Hemoptysis , Bladder Disorders , Liver Problems , Jaundice , Malaria , Infertility in Women , Epilepsy

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

In the realm of social media, Paragis grass, scientifically known as Eleusine indica, has become a sensation, touted as a miraculous remedy for an array of health issues. The fervor around this humble weed, abundant in warm countries, has increased curiosity about its health benefits.

However, as with many viral health trends, it's crucial to scrutinize the claims and discern the reality behind the buzz. Delving into the scientific perspective, separating myths from facts is vital.

We first checked whether any studies showed that the grass with the scientific name Eleusine indica could cure the ailments demonstrated in the social media post.

Claims about Paragis grass range from it being an anti-inflammatory, natural antihistamine, and diuretic to its effectiveness against various conditions such as cancer, ovarian cysts, diabetes, and even urinary tract infections. Grass is a native plant of tropical and subtropical regions and is an invasive species. Yes. There is some research proof. However, these preclinical studies are limited to experimental animals and laboratory microorganisms.

The whole plant, especially the root, is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, anthelmintic, diaphoretic, and antipyretic to treat coughs and other ailments. Boiled plants, the decoction is consumed as an anti-helminthic and anti-febrile treatment. The seeds are sometimes used as a famine food and are also used in the treatment of liver diseases. Many herbal products have traditional uses that are now being investigated to create an evidence base that will facilitate their incorporation into routine medical practice.

Moreover, Ayurvedic experts acknowledge the correctness of some properties attributed to Paragis grass, such as wound healing and benefits for the kidney system. However, they emphasize that consuming the plant alone does not cure diseases; a holistic treatment approach tailored to individual factors is essential.

Also, the Research and Development Division of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) told a fact-finding team in the Philippines says that grass cannot be claimed as a definite treatment for physical disorders, as mentioned in viral posts. They say that some studies have found the herb to have some medicinally active properties, but these studies are only pre-clinical research and have not been clinically proven in humans.

Also, Dr. Ann Meredith Trinidad of the Philippine Medical Cancer Society said that grass cannot be recommended for preventing or treating cancer in humans based on its deficiency. There is no solid scientific evidence to support these claims.

L.P. A. Karunathilaka, the former senior lecturer at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine

Fact Crescendo team contacted Dr. L.P. A. Karunathilaka, the former senior lecturer at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo.

According to the scientific system of Ayurvedic medicine, most of the properties mentioned in this plant (herb) are correct. (Heals wounds, helps to cure some diseases of the kidney system) However, consumption of this plant alone does not cure the diseases as mentioned earlier. A treatment method is prescribed for such diseases according to the many factors of the ailment. (E.g., dose, parts of the plant, duration, method of preparation, etc.)

Dr. Janaki Vidanapathirana, director of the National Cancer Control Program of Sri Lanka, further emphasized that concerning conditions such as cancer, a patient should seek the advice of cancer-related specialist surgeons for treatment rather than follow the instructions in such posts circulating on social media.

Read this story in Sinhala here

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While Paragis grass has several health benefits, more scientific research is required to ascertain its medical properties as a treatment method for humans. Furthermore, it is not considered to be effective for cancer and kidney diseases according to Western medicinal treatments.

While cultural and traditional significance should be acknowledged, a balanced understanding is crucial. Seeking professional advice and avoiding self-prescription are emphasized, urging individuals to navigate the fine line between cultural wisdom and evidence-based health practices.


Title:Paragis Grass: Navigating Between Social Media Hype and Scientific Realities

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Missing Context