Update: Veteran actor Sarath Babu, famous for his roles in Tamil and Telugu cinema, passed away in Hyderabad on 22nd May 2023 at the age of 71 at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad. The hospital, in a statement, said that the cause of death was multiple organ failure.

Below is our fact check published on 6th May 2023, when death claims were viral about the actor Sarath Babu while he was taking treatment at the AIG Hospital.

Original Story Published on 6th May 2023:

Over the first week of May 2023, Sarath Babu fans were devastated by posts claiming that the legendary film star had passed away.

Social Media Posts

Posts suggesting Sarath Babu passed away were shared widely in India and by Tamil users in Sri Lanka. The narration stated that the film star died while undergoing treatment at AIG hospital, as his condition worsened, as seen below.

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

First, we investigated the recent mainstream media reports about Sarath Babu. Media reports reveal that Sarath Babu was rushed to AIG Hospitals in Hyderabad due to a critical condition of multi-organ failure and put on a ventilator.

However, putting the fake death rumors to rest, Sarath Babu’s sister says that the death of the iconic movie star is false. Furthermore, she clarified that Sarath Babu had been moved away from the ventilators as his condition had improved with time. A Hindustan Times report can be read here. Archived.

According to media reports, Sarath Babu suffers from a severe medical condition named Sepsis. The information about it can be read here. Archived

We also detected the latest reports about Babu just before publishing this article and could not find any credible information which says Babu died.

Read our fact check in Tamil on fake death claims of actor Sarath Babu.

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