The video does not show real story it is an advertisement of organ donation broadcasted by the CCTV (China Central Television)

A video of a crying baby has gone viral on social media.

The viral video begins with several people attempting to comfort an inconsolable baby, but the crying continues unabated. Even toys are ineffective, and the baby continues to cry. Then comes the man in the black T-shirt holding the baby, then the baby stops crying, listens to his heartbeat, and recognizing it. Allegedly, the man received the baby’s mother’s heart in a transplant few months ago. The motherly comfort brings a soothing smile on the baby’s face and calms him down.

The caption of the video states, “This video clip is of a child whose mother died while giving birth. The heart of the woman was donated to the person wearing a black shirt in the video. Just watch the reaction of the child when the person wearing the black shirt holds the child. The child recognizes the heartbeat of the mother! This video was recorded in Singapore and immediately went viral. Priceless clip”

Despite the touching claims, the depicted incident is not true.We found that the video is not a real incident and is infact a Chinese organ donation commercial.

Let us check the truth.

Fact Check-

By performing a simple reverse image search on Google, we found that CCTV (China Central Television) uploaded the same video on Facebook on 13 June 2017. CCTV is a Chinese state-owned broadcaster controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The caption to the video states “Organ donation gives other the chance of life. This is amazing. Baby stops crying when held by a man who received the mother’s heart in a transplant a few months ago”.

The description continues, as “June 11 was China's first Organ Donation Day. Since the organ donation program began in 2010, 276,082 people have registered as donors and 32,984 organs had been donated by the end of May this year, according to data from the China Organ Donation Administrative Center. About 13,000 organ transplants were performed in 2016.China’s organ donation rate has reached 2.98 per million, up from 0.03 in 2010, according to the center”.

In further search, we found Wu Qiubin, a Chinese media professional who produced this commercial and bagged the ROI 2016 Silver Award for the same video when he worked at Gwantsi Productions.

Then we went to Gwantsi Productions' website and discovered the same video with the caption CCTV_Public Welfare Video_Organ Donation_"Heartbeat"

These evidences show that this was not a real incident of Singapore but a commercial advertisement Government of China used in the campaign to encourage organ donations.


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the viral video to be False. The commercial ad of organ donation in China shared as real incident of Singapore.


Title:Commercial ad shared as real incident of organ donation

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False