The image linked to the assertion about the 'Flower of the Holy Spirit' has garnered attention online for its purported distinctive metamorphosis during its blooming process. According to the circulating narrative, this uncommon flower bears a resemblance to a mother and child prior to blooming, and upon blossoming, it adopts the shape of a flying dove.


The assertion spreading online suggests that the uncommon orchid, recognized as the 'Flower of the Holy Spirit', solely blossoms annually. Allegedly, prior to blooming, the flower bears a resemblance to a mother and child. Upon blooming, it is purported to take on the appearance of a Dove in Flight. This image has been widely circulated on Facebook, garnering thousands of shares.

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We initiated our fact-checking process using the Reverse Image Search feature. Our investigation revealed that the claim contains several inaccuracies. Specifically, the pictures associated with the claim do not depict the actual 'Flower of the Holy Spirit'. Instead, the image that resembles a mother hugging a child is actually of a different species, identified as Catasetum integerrimum.

Catasetum integerrimum, which was first published in the Botanical Magazine in 1840, is a captivating species of orchid native to Mexico, Central America, and Cuba. This orchid, known for its unique pseudobulbous epiphyte growth, thrives primarily in wet tropical biomes. It's recognized for its remarkable, waxy flowers and the unusual habit of discharging their pollen masses (pollinia) onto pollinators. The plant has defined growing and resting periods, with most plants flowering before entering a dormant stage. (Source: Plants of the World Online)

The second image at below part of the claim, which is said to look like a white dove, is in fact the White Egret Orchid.

The White Egret Orchid, or Pecteilis Radiata, is a ground-dwelling plant that stands out with its white blooms and green foliage. Each stem typically carries two or three flowers, but some exceptional ones may bear up to eight. The flowers, adorned with yellow markings, resemble an egret's bill, with fringed edges enhancing their wing-like appearance.

(Source: Our Breathing Planet)

The 'Flower of the Holy Spirit,' also known as Peristeria Elata, is indeed rare and possesses unique characteristics. However, contrary to popular belief, it does not transform from a figure of a mother hugging a child into a dove in flight.

As it matures, each flower bud in the cluster opens, revealing a stunning beauty: the figure of a dove surrounded by white petals. Because of this, it's also called the "Dove Orchid." The term "Peristeria" is a Greek word, which also means dove. (Source: El Faro, Orchidplus)

Peristeria Elata before blooming (Source)

Peristeria Elata in bloom (Source)

Additionally, Dr Katharina Nargar, an orchid expert from James Cook University, confirmed to AFP that the flower in the top part of the Facebook post is a type of Catasetum, while the one below is Pecteilis Radiata. She suggested that the confusion might have arisen from the similarity between the common names of Peristeria Elata, also known as the Dove Orchid, and Pecteilis Radiata, sometimes referred to as the White Dove flower. (Source)


The claim that the 'Flower of the Holy Spirit' transforms from a figure of a mother hugging a child into a dove in flight is inaccurate. The images circulating online are of two different species: Catasetum integerrimum and the White Egret Orchid. The actual 'Flower of the Holy Spirit', also known as Peristeria Elata, does not undergo such transformation. It's a rare orchid that reveals a figure of a dove surrounded by white petals as it matures.

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Title: 'Flower of the Holy Spirit-In-depth Insights

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False