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The Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), the main opposition party in Sri Lanka, and its members are often subjected to disinformation campaigns. Recently, two female MPs from the SJB have become victims of such trends, wherein false or misleading information is deliberately spread to damage their reputation or undermine their credibility. These disinformation efforts pose a threat not only to the affected MPs but also to the democratic process by manipulating public opinion and sowing distrust.

Social Media Posts and Web News

Social media posts and some websites claimed that two female parliamentarians of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), Thalatha Athukorala and Rohini Kavirathna, have been banned from attending official media briefings of the party for months.

Facebook | Archived

A similar type of news can also be seen on a pro-leftist website.

Web | Archived

We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

Statement from SJB Media Unit: When contacted about the alleged warning banning the MPs from attending media briefings, the SJB media unit denied any such warning or restriction in place.

Recent Attendance of Rohini Kavirathna: Contrary to the claim, MP Rohini Kavirathna attended a media briefing just two weeks ago. This contradicts the assertion that she has been banned from such events for months.

Confirmation from MPs: Speaking with us, both MP Rohini Kavirathna and MP Thalatha Athukorala have refuted the claims made on social media.

Participation in Party Activities: Both MPs have actively participated in party meetings and events in their districts and other forums. This contradicts the notion that they have been sidelined or banned from party activities.

Below is how MP Thalatha Athukorala attended party organising work in the Balangoda electorate.

Below is how MP Rohini Kavirathna attended party events recently.

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Based on the statements from the SJB media unit, the denial from the MPs themselves, and their continued participation in party activities, the claim circulating on social media stating that Thalatha Athukorala and Rohini Kavirathna have been banned from attending official SJB media briefings for months is false.


Title: Thalatha and Rohini Have NOT Banned From Attending SJB Media Briefings/Activities

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: False