The concept of “global climate change” is widely accepted by scientists. However, there are still people who deny it and spread misinformation. This is our investigation of some such misleading social media posts.

Social Media Posts

From comparing the color of weather forecasting maps, social media posts trying to say climate change is a scam and an exaggerated issue.

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.

What we found

The map stems from a June 21, 2017, weather report presented by Claudia Kleinert. The presenter Kleinert reported temperatures between 20 and 28C in northern Germany and 33 to 38C in the west and southwest, colored in green. The red and yellow color map is also from Tagesthemen and was presented by Kleinert on June 20, 2022, one day earlier than the date shown in the picture shared on social media, which reports temperatures ranging from 20 to 25C in the north and 26 to 32C further south. The temperatures are lower than those shown on the green map from 2017. Therefore, the color scale regarding the temperatures does not perfectly match. Because of that, it gives the wrong impression to the reader.

The second Post on climate change

The second post says, “Climate change is a made-up catastrophe of globalists and socialists to instill fear and guilt to tax, regulate, and remove our freedom while pretending to be saving the planet.” Climate change is not a made-up catastrophe created by globalists. Climate change is a scientifically documented phenomenon that is a natural thing. Still, it is driven faster than predicted by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, which release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to a gradual increase in global temperatures, commonly called global warming. More can be read here.

The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that climate change is real and poses a severe threat to the planet. It is not a conspiracy or the result of a globalist agenda. Numerous scientific studies and assessments, including reports from organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have provided extensive evidence supporting the reality of climate change and its potential consequences, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, disruptions to ecosystems, and threats to human health and well-being. More articles on climate impact scientific reports can be read here,

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Climate change is not a made-up catastrophe of globalists. It is a natural phenomenon; however, human activities induce fast movement, and a worse global impact is received. However, The map presented by Claudia Kleinert in 2017 and 2020  using green and red colors to show temperature differences was wrongly applied. As such, it gives the wrong impression to the reader. Climate change is a global challenge requiring countries' cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to more sustainable practices. While there may be differing opinions on the best approaches to tackle climate change, the scientific consensus on the phenomenon's reality remains strong. It is based on extensive research and evidence.


Title:Posts mislead on German weather map colors and says climate change is a made-up catastrophe by globalists and socialists.

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Missing Context