Renewable energy is considered one of the leading solutions for the global climate change crisis. Many countries have turned to green energy solutions in an attempt to limit fossil fuel-based energy production, which has a significant negative impact on the environment. However, even in developed countries like Sweden, some are skeptical about renewable energy as an inefficient energy generation method.

Social Media Posts

A Swedish social media user added the below post to Twitter, which has since gone viral. The posts imply that when favorable weather conditions are not available for wind turbines and solar panels, they do not generate electricity, and hence renewable energy is not a viable solution.

Twitter | Archived

Users commented on this like below.

This post was extracted by FB users like here

Let’s look at the facts behind such claims.

Efficiency of Wind Power Turbines in Extreme Weather?

Yes, extreme weather conditions do have an impact on the efficiency of Wind Turbines. But we should understand that extreme weather conditions, which can cause the stoppage of wind turbines, only prevail for a short period.

A few significant reasons that can cause wind turbines to stop functioning are listed below.

  • Not enough wind
  • To undertake preventive or corrective maintenance.
  • Adverse weather conditions like extreme cold and storms
  • Excess noise
  • Systems for the detection and monitoring of birds
  • Electrical conditions outside the established range

More details about this can be read here Archived.

However, there are several solutions that are in use to address these concerns as well. One option is creating distributed mini wind power plants nationwide, strengthening the existing grid resources.

Another strategy in use is creating downwind turbines. Most wind turbines are upwind. Downwind turbines are better suited to riding high winds since their blades can fold back in high winds. More on this here.

Solar technology can function in any condition, even on rainy and snowy days.

It's a common myth which is peddled against solar power generation which claim that the panels cannot generate power in rainy or low light conditions. Solar panels technically still function even at night, but they won't be generating electricity at night. Solar panels generate electricity as long as there's at least a little sunlight. Exactly how much depends on the sunlight available. Details about it can be taken here. Archived.

While solar panels are more suited to tropical climates, solar panel efficiency is not affected by the outside temperature. In fact, solar panels mainly use the energy from the sunlight to produce energy. So, if sunlight is available, solar panels would continue to generate energy, even at lower levels in gloomy conditions.

Electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by the solar panels' photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert this energy into electrical charge, causing electricity flow. Concentrated solar power (CSP) uses mirrors to concentrate solar rays and is mostly used in mass-scale industrial installations. More on how solar panels work can be seen here

Because solar panels use the energy from the light of the sun rather than the heat, the amount of energy they produce in given weather conditions depends on the amount of cloud cover and how much light is still getting through to the panels. Solar systems produce excess energy during sunny times that can continue to power households around the clock.

Furthermore, contrary to popular beliefs, extreme heat is not the most preferred weather condition for solar energy generation and solar panels can work 20-30% less efficiently in extreme heat. More can be read here, which has detailed explanation on other Misconceptions on Solar Energy as well.

Unlike tropical countries, Sweden has only limited sunny days per year. Even on those sunny days, the waves' intensity is less with respect to tropical countries. Details about it can be reached here. Archived

Renewable Energy Usage in Sweden

Renewable energy generation in Sweden has been proliferating during the past decade. From 2010 to 2021, the total renewable capacity installed in the country increased from 22.7 to 34.6 gigawatts. Renewable accounted for 63 percent of the total energy consumed in 2021. This makes Sweden one of the European countries with the highest share of renewables in final energy consumption. In 2012, the Scandinavian country already reached the targets set for 2020, which aimed for a 50 percent share of renewables in final energy consumption, and they successfully reached the mark. More details about this can be acquired here. Archived

A graph depicting the increment of the renewable energy capacity of Sweden with time can be seen below.


From this data, it's clear that renewable energy capacity has increased rapidly and conveniently in Sweden.

As of 2021 data, renewable energy of Sweden majorly came from hydropower and bioenergy. The reason for that is the abundant moving water bodies and ample forest coverage of the country.

Around 60% of renewable energy supply comes from biomass. However, biomass is mainly used in industrial and domestic heating processes. Only a low percentage of biomass is used for other energy-related tasks like electricity generation. A report about this can be read here.

This can be elaborated more clearly from how renewable energy contributed to Sweden's electricity generation in 2011 and a decade after 2021.

In 2011, renewable energy contributed 55.96% of total electricity generation. Regarding this, (55.96%), 44.2% came from hydropower, wind 4.07%, solar less than 0.01%, and other 7% from other energy sources.

However, in 2021, renewable energy contributed to 67.33% of Sweden's electricity generation. Regarding this, 67.33%, hydropower is 42%, a little drop from the 2011 percentage; however, wind power contribution increased to 15.96%, a significant increase. And can also detect a slight rise in solar energy contribution to electricity generation, up to 0.6%. At the same time, other energy sources are responsible for 7% of electricity generation.

When we consider the increased contribution of wind energy to electricity generation, thousands of wind turbines were installed across Sweden in the previous decade.

However, solar power generation has been relatively low in Sweden concerning other energy sources.

Details about this can be read here. Archived.

Does Renewable Energy Not Work in Sweden?

No, Renewable energy usage is very efficient in Sweden. As discussed earlier in this article, biomass and hydropower are the two main types of renewable energy used in Sweden. And also, wind power is emerging as a prominent energy source. When we see the statistics in the previous decade, we can see how renewable energy is growing rapidly. Renewable energy sources fulfill more than 60% of Sweden's energy needs. Interestingly, solar power generated energy is minimal concerning the other renewable energy sources; it can be directly linked to Sweden's relatively lower number of sunny hours.

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Title:Practicality of Renewable Energy Solutions like Solar & Wind in adverse weather conditions! Find out the facts.

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Misleading