Currently, a video of a child crying over the dead body of another child and an image of many deceased children is going viral on social media. Users are claiming that these are the visuals of child genocide in Palestine during the current war with Israel.

However, Fact Crescendo found the claim to be false. Old and unrelated incidents from Syria were made viral to show scenes from Israel-Palestine war

What’s the claim?

Sharing the post, social media users are claiming that 614 Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli forces

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Fact Check

A Google Reverse Image Search on a keyframe led us to the same video uploaded on a Facebook account in 2019. The user mentioned that this is a video of a little brother saying goodbye to his elder brother who was killed in an attack by Israel.

A relevant keyword search on Google led us to the same video uploaded on a website in 2018. According to the report, this is an incident from Idlib, Syria. A little boy was crying over the body of his deceased brother in a hospital when he was brought to him on a stretcher. The child was reported to be dead during the air strike on Idlib.

From the above facts, it is clear that the viral video is old and not related to the current Israel-Palestine war.

After this we searched for the facts of the image of many deceased children in the post.

A Google Reverse Image Search led us to the same image published on UPI News website. According to the report, these are the dead bodies of the children in Syria who were killed by the rebels in a toxic gas attack in Ghouta town, located in Damascus, Syria. This is an incident from 2013.

The Guardian reported in 2013 that the UN had confirmed the chemical weapon attack in Damascus as one of the worst incidents. A special rocket was designed to spread the Sarin nerve gas in Damascus.

You can see many more images of this devastating incident here


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be misleading. The visuals in the post are not related to the current Israel-Palestine war. These are old incidents from Syria.


Title:Are these images and videos showing child genocide in Palestine during current war with Israel? Know the truth.

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading