This is an old video showing an ISIS execution in Fallujah and it dates back to 2015.

The Israeli authorities reported the release of 13 Israeli hostages during the recent seven-day ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The total number of freed civilians now stands at 105, including 81 Israelis, 23 Thais, and one Filipino. As part of the deal, Israel freed 210 Palestinian security prisoners. In this scenario, amid the news of the death of the hostages, a video is going viral on social media, with the claim that Hamas executing people by throwing them off the roof of a building. The video shows a horrifying scene of a man being thrown off a building. The caption states, “Hamas executes people by throwing them off a roof of a building”.

Fact Check

Conducting a reverse search on the key frames of the viral video led us to a YouTube channel uploaded shots from the video on July 6, 2015, under the translated caption, “ISIS executed 4 men it claimed were homosexuals.”

As per reports, “Four gays were thrown from a building because they were gay. It happened in the Iraqi province of Fallujah: ISIS militiamen executed 4 men suspected of being homosexual. With their arms tied behind their backs and a blindfold over their eyes, the victims were taken to the roof of a four-story building and were thrown into the void”.

In further search we found a report published by The Mirror on the video and noted that it showed the execution of men accused of homosexuality by ISIS in Fallujah, Iraq. The report further explained that the victims were tied up and blindfolded before being taken to the edge of a building. Four men were thrown to their deaths for their perceived sexual orientations.

Taking account of these evidences we can understand that the video is old and unrelated to the current Israel-Hamas conflict.


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the video to be False. This is an old video showing an ISIS execution in Fallujah and it dates back to 2015. ISIS terrorists punished four men in a case of homosexuality in 2015. It is unrelated to the current Israel-Hamas conflict.


Title:Old video of ISIS execution shared as Hamas pushing hostages off a building

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False