Sri Lanka is currently undergoing a severe political and economic crisis. With the resignation of PM Mahinda Rajapaksa and cabinet of ministers, political instability has worsened, and there are discussions on formation of a caretaker government/interim government.

In this regard many are giving their own views and interpretations on formation of an interim government. We notice a viral claim, which stated that the SJB and JVP have agreed to build a new political coalition for an interim government under the premiership of former speaker Karu Jayasuriya. Here are our findings in this regard.

Social Media Claims

Social media claims have been spreading rapidly over a coalition of SJB and JVP under the leadership of Karu Jayasuriya as a prime minister. Below is the text in the viral WhatsApp forward.

As per the meeting held at Presidents House little while ago (just about 45 mins ago) following has been agreed.

1- JVP & Sajith's party had vehemently opposed to teaming under the Presidency of Gota.

2- Bar Association had appealed to both parties to agree to accept an interim government only for 4 months or max 6 months under Goat’s leadership.

3- Agreement has been reached and it is likely that strictly for 4/6 months all parties will accept Karu as PM. His old age has been discussed and agreement has been reached to appoint him for 4 months and maximum 6 months.

4- Three powerful foreign governments had consented to support Sri Lanka to come out of the economic crisis as long as they agree to above . JVP and SJB had agreed to accept Karu only as a caretaker PM for 4/6 months.

5- interim council of ministers will be appointed with minimum. Powers to GOTA and KARU only for 4 to 6 months max period.

6- 21st amendment will be voted and implemented within 6 months incorporating UNPs 19th amendment and few more additions

It has been also spreading via Facebook also.

Facebook| Archived

Due to the significant nature of these posts, we decided to do a fact check about this.

Fact Check

First, we checked about media reports what claim that Karu Jayasuriya going to become a prime minister under the support of both SJB and JVP as a result of discussions made at Presidents House. However, we were not able to find any such report in mainstream media. But there were some media reports about a possible appointment of Karu Jayasuriya as a prime minister of an interim government. Such report can be reached from here. Archived.

We contacted both SJB and JVP media units over this claim and they strictly refused this social media claim and stressed that there were no such meeting in Presidents House involving both parties as social media reports claim and rejected the views that they going to bring coalition interim government with the premiership of former speaker of the parliament Karu Jayasuriya.

According to the latest updates, both SJB leader Sajith Premadasa and JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake is ready to accept the Prime Minister position, if President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is willing to resign from his position.

SJB parliamentarian Lakshman Kiriella revealed in a very recent press conference that SJB leader ready to prime minister position if President Rajapaksa willing to resign. The statement can be watched here.

Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa also expressed views of his willingness to take up PM position provided that Pres. Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigns, and requested the president to take that decision soon as seen below.

Meanwhile JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake also stated that as a party JVP is also in agreement to establish an interim government for six-month period if President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is willing to resign. If other parties decide to establish interim government, they will remain in opposition, JVP leader stated as seen below.

Former speaker Karu Jayasuriya had also expressed his views on the prevailing situation of the country and we contacted his media secretary who also confirmed that SJB or JVP had not requested from former speaker to become the Prime Minister of the country. “However, some individuals in various groups requested Karu Jayasuriya to accept the Prime Minister position and he is ready to accept it for a short term and rescue country from the current crisis. But, the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa should listen to voice of young protestors, “GoHomeGota” and should work according to it”, he said.

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According to our investigation, we were able to find out that the viral messages of a alleged meeting at President House with SJB and JVP where an agreement was made for both parties to form a collation government under the premiership of former speaker Karu Jayasuriya is misleading.

Both SJB and JVP rejected that claim of such a meeting. However both party leaders separately suggested their willingness to accept PM position and form an interim government if President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is willing to resign.


Title:SJB and JVP to make an interim government under the Premiership of Karu Jayasuriya?

Fact Check By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Misleading