A purported footage of a metro fight in Paris has been widely circulating on social media. The video was shared with a claim suggesting that it depicts three French paramilitary women being mass molested by migrants in a Paris metro underpass.

The Social Media Post

The video was shared on X (Twitter) user, with the caption:

“This video is so soothing….Yesterday somewhere in Paris on a Metro Underpass.. A few Migrants were doing what they do best ... Taharrush (roughly translates to mass molestation of women)... Unfortunately for these migrants, these 3 women were all serving French para-military.”

Source | Archive

The post received significant attention, accumulating over 300K views and sparking user discussions. Furthermore, we found that this video was being shared with similar claims on other social media platforms and viral in WhatsApp too.


We began our investigation by utilizing Reverse Image Search and keyword search, which led to an article in Turkish about the viral video, raising suspicions about the authenticity of the video. Many users speculated that it was staged rather than a genuine incident.

Further investigation revealed a tweet by BBC-verified journalist Shayan Sardarizadeh debunking the video. Sardarizadeh clarified that the video was a promotional video posted on Instagram by Campus Univers Cascades (CUC), a company in France that trains stunt performers. The video was not an actual incident but a choreographed performance.


Below is a description from the professional training center Campus Univers Cascades (CUC) in France, which has been training stunt performers since 2008.

Source: campus-universcascades.com

Fact Crescendo team has contacted Lucas Dollfus, the Director of CUC, for verification. Dollfus confirmed, "This is a video produced with our stunt students as part of a training exercise on the theme of “street fight.” The goal is to bring maximum realism to this staging, but this is just a stunt and movie! Everything is prepared in advance, and everything is choreographed.”

He also confirmed that this video is false and only a staging with stuntmen from his school, Campus Univers Cascades.

Watch the original video here. (Archive)


In conclusion, the viral video depicting a staged subway fight in Paris claiming to involve French para-military women and migrants is misleading. It was a promotional video created by Campus Univers Cascades, a company specializing in training stunt performers.

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Title:The Viral Paris Metro Fight Video is Actually Staged

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading