We all share a keen interest in the universe and are captivated by the latest discoveries from esteemed research organizations like NASA. Given the widespread curiosity about space, a plethora of posts discussing cosmic topics and recent breakthroughs are circulating on various social media platforms. However, within this array of content centered around space, certain posts are misleading in nature. This investigation aims to shed light on the accuracy of such potentially deceptive social media content.

Social Media Posts

Claims have circulated on social media suggesting that a video featuring captivating images of the universe, accompanied by a mesmerizing audio track, presents the actual sounds of the universe, specifically originating from the "Pillars of Creation" Nebula.

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

The video in question was indeed initially released by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, a component of NASA, in 2021, and it employs a technique known as data sonification. This method converts data collected by various NASA missions, including the Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope, and Spitzer Space Telescope, into audible sound, allowing us to experience cosmic phenomena through our sense of hearing. The original video can be watched below.

The "Pillars of Creation" video's audio does not stem from natural sounds emanating from space but rather from electromagnetic signals like X-rays and radio waves, which are typically beyond the range of human hearing. The process of data sonification translates these signals into a format that our ears can perceive, transforming them into sound waves. It's important to note that the sounds accompanying the video represent the underlying data, not literal audio recordings of the universe.

NASA's official explanation emphasizes the role of data sonification in creating these captivating auditory experiences. The video showcases a creative merger of scientific data with artistic expression, allowing us to "hear" the cosmos in a novel way. This data sonification process is specifically designed to retain the integrity of the original content while rendering it accessible through auditory perception. The explanation about this phenomenon on NASA's web can be read here.

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In summary, the audio in the video attributed to the "Pillars of Creation" Nebula is not the actual sound of the universe but rather a product of data sonification that translates electromagnetic signals into sound waves. NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other space-based telescopes employ this technique to provide an alternative means of understanding and appreciating the cosmos. While the audio is not natural in the traditional sense, it offers a unique perspective on the wonders of our universe.


Title:These are not actual sounds coming from the universe!

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Missing Context