With the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine, we come across number of horrifying scenes in international media related to bomb blasts and missile attacks. However, some unrelated blasts which occurred a few years ago, at various locations around the world, have also been attributed to the current Ukraine situation by social media users.

In this investigation we managed to clarify that the viral scenes indicating a blast in Ukraine, were actually scenes from the Beirut blast in 2020.

Social Media Posts

A Facebook user added the below video along with the narrative feeling heartbroken in Ukraine.” indicating that these were the devastating scenes from Ukraine.


While some of the social media users had identified that the video was not related to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, the above clip depicting scenes of a massive blast was viewed more than 379K times with strong sentiments for Ukraine

Fact Check

We carried out a reverse image search on few of the frames of the viral video and were able to find the original incident related to the Lebanon blasts from 2020.

TMZ posted this video story, mentioning these were terrifying moments from the Lebanese Capital, Beirut in 2020 August, where a massive explosion suddenly erupted from the site, sending huge mushroom cloud into the air, along with debris and shockwaves.

Here is an Arab News post from August 2020 with the same footage titled “Footage of second, deadly Beirut blast”

Beirut blast was a massive explosion which happened at the port of Lebanon’s capital city Beirut in August 2020. The reports further revealed that it happened in a warehouse at the port where the tons of ammonium nitrate were stored for a long time in an unsafe manner. Dozens of people were killed by this explosion and buildings located even six miles away from the blast were damaged. Media reports revealing the situation there can be read from here and here. archived link here or another archived link here.

Here is another report by NYPOST with several other angles revealing the extent of terrifying Beirut explosions. Below is a CNN video report about the Beirut blasts from August 2020

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Fact Check: Blast Video From Beirut Viral As Recent Karachi Blast Footages.

ඡායාරූපයේ දැක්වෙන්නේ බේරූට් හි පිපිරීමෙන් පසු ඉහලට විසිවී ගිය මිනිසුන් නොවේ

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According to our investigation, we were able to verify that the viral social media video, doesn’t have any relationship with the current Ukraine situation and it depicts the blast which occurred at Beirut Port, Lebanon in August 2020.

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Title:Did this massive blast happen in Ukraine? Find out the truth…

Fact Check By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: False