Recently a video of a woman shot openly went viral on social media claiming it to be from Manipur. The video was forwarded to our 24*7 Factline number 9049053770 with the caption, "Supreme court wants proof of Manipur (State of India) crimes against Muslims so I request you to make this video viral within 48 hours, please share it with everyone".

Archived Link.

However, as we investigated, we came to know that the viral video was not from Manipur, but from Myanmar. Here's the fact check.

Fact Check

We started our investigation by taking some screenshots from the viral video and conducting a reverse image search. As a result, we found a report published by Burma News International on 9 December 2022. The image attached to the report was similar to the screenshots of the viral video. According to the report, "The National Unity Government (NUG) announced that severe penalties will be imposed in line with the law if people’s defence force (PDF) members are found guilty of killing a woman in Sagaing Region’s Tamu Township. A video clip of a young woman on a street being beaten and forced to confess to being a military informant before being shot dead has been trending on social media. The three-minute 32-second long video was released on 3 December".

Please read here. Archived Link.

Mizzima also published the same photo with a similar news report on December 8, Local residents of Tamu said the woman in the video is Aye Mar Tun, a 24-year-old teacher who did not participate in the civil defence movement. They say she was killed in June for allegedly providing information to the junta that also led to the arrest of local PDF members.

Please read here. Archived Link.

Another report from The Irrawaddy can be read here. Archived Link.


From our investigation, we can say that the claim with the viral video is false. The video is not showing crime against Muslims in Manipur. Rather, the video is old and from Myanmar.


Title:Video Of A Woman Shot Dead Is Not From Manipur, But From Myanmar.

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False