Recently, a video surfaced showing a kitchen gas stove exploding, accompanied by a message warning not to place your phone near the gas stove. The message claimed that doing so could cause the gas stove to explode, as shown in the video.

Social Media Posts

In the past week, Facebook users have shared a video with a message stating that you should not place your phone near a gas stove because it could cause the gas stove to explode, as shown in the video.

Source | Archive

Source | Archive

However, we found that the cause of the explosion in the video was not the mobile phone as claimed.


We conducted a fact-check using the reverse image search feature on multiple frames from the video to find its origin. We discovered that the incident took place in Indonesia, in a village called Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta, on June 6. The explosion occurred from an LPG gas stove near the place while the housekeeper was washing dishes in the kitchen.

According to media reports from Indonesian outlets, the police inspected the scene and reported that the explosion occurred because the gas cylinder and its regulator hose were not installed properly.

At the time of the incident, the housekeeper had already turned off the stove after cooking. While she was washing dishes near the stove, an explosion occurred. The woman fell amidst the debris from other kitchen equipment, as captured by the CCTV footage. Notably, there was no indication that the explosion was caused by the presence of a mobile phone near the gas cylinder.

(Source: VOI, Brillo)

Can Placing Mobile Phones Near Gas Cylinders Cause Explosions?

Mr. Samuel Otu Larbi, Chief Executive Officer of Solution Solve Limited, has stated that people should not use mobile phones, especially when using gas stoves for cooking. He explains that if there is a gas leak and your phone heats up enough to cause a short circuit, the small electric arc created can combine with the gas and cause an explosion. He explains that electromagnetic waves can create current and generate electric sparks in metal conductors. "It is recommended to switch off mobile phones as they can be dangerous near filling stations, including gas stations.

Mr. Otu Larbi explained more about the use of mobile phones in unauthorized areas, including kitchens and gas stations, in the Ghana News Agency interview series. He pointed out that gas explosions in homes are mostly caused by leaks in gas cylinders and the pipes connecting the cylinder to the gas-powered stove.

He also warned about the dangers of using a mobile phone in a kitchen or gas station, as leaked gas mixed with air could reach a nearby combustible source and cause accidents. He emphasized the risk associated with mobile phones and noted that a fire could erupt due to the frequency or electric waves received when a call is made while cooking in the kitchen, especially amid possible leaks.

He pointed out that electrical equipment used for communication should not be placed near gas cylinders or gas filling stations to prevent explosions, accidents, or property loss and gas users should follow the rules and regulations related to gas use to avoid harm and save lives in society. Reports about this can be read are here and here. (Archive)

On the contrary, although there are signs at gas stations warning against cell phone use, experts and a Good Morning America experiment cast doubt on the theory that cell phones can cause gas pump fires. Experts believe the cause of these fires is static electricity, not mobile phones. Static fires at pumps are rare but do happen. The Petroleum Equipment Institute reports on its website that there have been incidents of gas pump fires due to static electricity. Steve Fowler, an electrical engineer at Fowler Associates, says cell phone signals are too weak to ignite even explosive gasoline fumes. Read the report here.


The video posted on social media, which claims that mobile phones should not be placed near gas cylinders and indicates that an explosion occurred due to this, is misleading. The investigation revealed that the explosion happened because the hose connecting the gas cylinder was not properly installed. There is no mention in the news reports that the mobile phone was near the gas cylinder or caused the explosion.

However, there is a risk of using mobile phones while cooking on gas stoves. If there is a leak from the gas cylinder or stove and your phone gets hot enough to cause a short circuit, the small electric arc created can combine with the gas to cause an explosion. Experts also point out that current can be generated, and an electric spark can be produced in metal conductors.


Title:Claim about Mobile Phones Causing Gas Stove Explosions is Misleading

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading