Lata Mangeshkar dubbed as the “Nightingale of India” is among the most respected play-back singers in India and also was the second-most Google Indian in 2019. In 1974, the Guinness Book of Records ranked her as the most recorded artiste in the history. She had reportedly sung over 25,000 songs between 1948 and 1974. In 2001, in recognition of her contribution to the nation, she was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour

On 11th November the iconic singer was admitted to Intensive Care Unit in Beach Candy Hospital, Mumbai with complaints of breathing difficulty and since then print, electronic and social media has been flooded with various reports about her ill health. Against this back drop we observed Facebook page of Supipi Thamabara carrying post in Sinhala, “නැවත ලතා මංගෙෂ්කාර් කෙනෙකුගේ මිහිරි හඬ අපට නොඇසෙනු ඇත....එකම සත්‍ය අනිත්‍ය පමනි...ඔබට නිවන් සුව අත්වේවා ...!’ Translated to English it said “We will not hear the melodious voice of Lata Mangeshkar again…. The only truth is impermanence…. May she attain Supreme bliss of Nibbana”

FB Link 1Archived Link 1FB Link 2Archived Link 2

Fact Check (සත්‍ය තොරතුරු විමර්ශනය කිරීම)

We checked her official social media profiles and noticed the following post on 8th of December which stated “For the past 28 days, I was at Breach Candy hospital..
I was diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctors preferred that I extend my stay in hospital and go home when completely healthy. Today, I am back home with the blessings of Mai and Baba I have my deepest gratitude to all my well-wishers all over…”

Facebook LinkArchived Link

We also noticed in response to the concerned posts by many of her well-wishers and fans all around the world, she had posted that she is “stable... and recovering...” on 14th November

Lata Mangeshkar FBArchived Link

We checked the Indian media reports about Lata Mangeshkar in November and found the article in the National Herald carrying the headline “Stop spreading lies about Lata Mangeshkar, requests family”

National Herald, India

Latest news reports about Lata Mangeshkar reveal how she admitted to Breach Candy hospital and was discharged after 28 days. Times of India reported as “Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was brought back home after 28 days in Mumbai on December 08. She was admitted to Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital on November 11. She returned home after full recovery from her bad health. The 90-year-old singer was diagnosed with pneumonia and prescribed rest by the doctors…”


Our fact check revealed that Lata Mangeshkar was admitted to hospital on the 11th of November diagnosed with pneumonia and after a successful course of medication, discharged on the 8th of December. Facebook posts about her death are totally false.


Title:Lata Mangeshkar is dead?

Fact Check By: Sathyajith Subasinghe

Result: False