In May 2023, the World Health Organization declared the end of the global health emergency caused by COVID-19, leading many countries to lift related restrictions. Despite the diminishing intensity of the pandemic, certain misleading social media posts have emerged, making previous social distancing rules sarcastic. Our investigation aims to scrutinise the accuracy of one such claim targeting catholic clergy.

Social Media Posts

A viral photograph circulated on social media depicting a priest baptising a child using holy water from a toy water gun. The photo suggested that the priest maintained a two-meter distance and wore a face mask during the baptism.

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.


Date of Incident: The incident captured in the viral photo happened a few years ago. The Saint Mark Catholic Church in Manchester, Tennessee, USA, clarified on their Facebook page that the photo is from a few years ago,2020. The post can be read below.


Context of the Photo: The church explained that the family had specifically requested the priest, Father Klasek, to pose in a manner seen in several viral posts circulating on the internet. The intention behind the staged shot was purely for humour, and Father Klasek agreed to the request, thinking it was amusing.

Safety Measures: The priest in the photo is seen wearing a face mask, and there is a mention of maintaining a two-meter distance. This aligns with the safety measures enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it's crucial to note that these safety measures are not relevant now globally, as the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 no longer a global health emergency in May 2023.

Nature of the Water: The church clarified that the water used in the plastic toy gun was not holy water. Additionally, it was aimed at the father, not the baby, for comedic effect.

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The viral photo of a priest baptizing a child with a toy water gun is real but is from a few years ago, 2020. The incident was staged for humour, upon the family's request, and the safety measures observed align with the precautions taken during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The context provided by the Saint Mark Catholic Church in Tennessee helps clarify the situation.


Title:Fact Check: Viral Photo of Priest Baptizing Child with Toy Water Gun

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Misleading