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Social media platforms have recently been flooded with videos allegedly featuring renowned personalities like cricket players Virat Kohli and Angelo Mathews promoting various gaming and casino apps. These videos, often accompanied by alluring captions, are designed to entice unsuspecting users into downloading and engaging with these apps. However, a closer look reveals a disturbing truth-these videos are not what they seem. They are sophisticated deepfakes, created using advanced artificial intelligence technologies, designed to deceive and mislead.

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Numerous videos circulating on social media platforms depict celebrities endorsing gaming and casino apps, leading to concerns about the proliferation of online gambling and its potential impact, particularly on impressionable audiences.

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Fact Check

Verification of Authenticity: Upon scrutiny, it became evident that these videos were fabricated using deepfake technology. Deepfakes, a deceptive tool, utilise AI algorithms to superimpose the likeness of one individual onto another in a seamless and often indistinguishable manner. Most of the time, the faces of celebrities were superimposed onto actors or manipulated to simulate endorsement despite such celebrities' non-involvement in such promotions. Sometimes, voice cloning technology is also used, further enhancing the deception.

Confirmation from Celebrities: Virat Kohli, Angelo Mathews, and other individuals featured in these videos have vehemently denied any association with the promoted apps. They have publicly disclaimed the videos and expressed concern over misusing their likeness for deceptive purposes.

Legal Action: Several celebrities have taken legal action against the perpetrators after discovering these fraudulent videos. They have lodged complaints with law enforcement authorities to investigate the origin of these deepfake videos and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.


Expert Opinion: Technological experts specialising in deepfake detection and analysis have corroborated the findings, affirmed the artificial nature of the videos and emphasised the sophistication of the techniques employed to create them.

The Implications:

The proliferation of deepfake content poses multifaceted challenges:

Misinformation: Deepfake videos can propagate false narratives and misleading information, potentially influencing public opinion and behaviour.

Identity Theft: The unauthorised use of celebrities' likenesses in such videos not only tarnishes their reputation but also raises concerns about identity theft and the exploitation of individuals' digital personas.

Consumer Vulnerability: Users may be susceptible to scams and fraudulent activities promoted through deepfake content, highlighting the need for enhanced awareness and vigilance.

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The prevalence of deepfake technology underscores the urgent need for robust measures to combat its misuse. While advancements in AI offer unprecedented opportunities, they also present significant ethical and societal challenges. It is imperative for individuals, technology companies, and policymakers to collaborate in developing effective strategies to detect, mitigate, and deter the spread of deepfake content. Additionally, users must exercise critical judgment and skepticism when encountering online media to safeguard themselves against deception and exploitation.

In conclusion, the purported endorsement videos featuring celebrities promoting gaming and casino apps have been debunked as deepfake fabrications. Vigilance, awareness, and collaborative efforts are essential in addressing the menace of deepfakes and safeguarding the integrity of online content and public discourse.

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Title:Deepfake Technologies Misrepresenting Famous Personalities like Virat Kohli & Angelo Mathews As Promoting Gaming/Casino Apps: A Growing Concern!

Fact Check By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: False