Meanwhile, the Mexican Congress assembled a hearing on the potential of alien life on September 13, 2023. During a congressional session on UFOs, UFO researcher Jaime Maussan presented the skeletons of two ancient "non-human" alien bodies to Mexican lawmakers. There was a viral video depicting an alien being cut as a cake. This video has been widely shared among international users around the globe.

However, the Fact Crescendo team found that these cakes were made to resemble an alien. Let’s look at the claim in detail.

Social Media Claim

Recently, there has been a viral claim and videos depicting an alien being found as a cake, one of which was posted by a Facebook page called “Food in Places It Shouldn’t Be” on September 16, 2023. The above video attached to the claim has been shared and reacted with mixed comments by social media users, making them confused that the actual alien found was a cake.

The following snapshot shows, “The Mexican Alien was revealed to be a cake. The Mexican government has fooled the world”.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Another video with the same claim and scenes of cutting an alien as cake was posted on another Facebook page and received many thousands of engagements and reactions from other social media users.

Facebook Post | Archived Link

Fact Crescendo Team has also found a viral video claimed to have spread on the TikTok platform previously. The full video can be seen below:

TikTok Post | Archived Link

Fact Check

Fact Crescendo has reviewed and verified the above claim through a Google Reverse Image Search and the recent news, which brought us to the following facts:

The exact video with the same form and format has been found on a TikTok user, The Bake King, also known as Ben Cullen, who uploaded it on September 15 with the caption, “You won’t believe this! The truth is out there. #cake #alien #aliens”. According to it, the cake was created by Ben Cullen, a tattoo artist and baker from Birmingham.

Observing his TikTok profile, we found many videos in which Ben Cullen uses his artistic talents to create ultra-realistic cakes. The following screenshot shows you such an example.

TikTok Profile | Archived Link

Additionally, we have found his profile on Instagram as well, which features the same video posted on September 15, 2023.

Who is Ben Cullen?

Ben Cullen, a 32-year-old Chester resident, developed an obsession with baking in 2015. He is called The Bake King and is an expert in optical illusion cakes. Sausage sandwiches, McDonald's, and Guinness cakes are among the creations. He has also created cakes for famous people like Rita Ora and Johnathon Cheban.

Daily Mail Link | Archived Link

Besides these, researchers in Mexico are said to have found the alleged alien remains, which attracted attention internationally right away. According to scientists who have analyzed the remains, they were most likely created to attract attention and notoriety. The following studies done by the researchers were also not assembled according to Euro News published on September 20, 2023.

There is still insufficient evidence supporting the widely publicized alleged finding of alien remains in the Mexican Congress. Numerous experts find it difficult to accept the legitimacy of this claim made in the hearing since the previous report from Maussan had been debunked years ago. NASA has also said that the samples must be sent to scientists for additional research.

Euro News Link | Archived Link

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Fact Crescendo's team found the viral video clip depicting an alien found in Mexico as a cake, which is misleading. The above video depicted a cake designed and made to resemble an alien.


Title: Is the alien found in Mexico a cake? Know the truth…

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading