On May 19, Iranian media reported a fatal helicopter crash in the northwestern region of Azerbaijan, allegedly killing President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran. A video circulated after the incident was claimed to be footage of the helicopter carrying Raisi.

Social Media Claims

A video is circulating on social media, purportedly showing an accident involving President Raisi. The footage shows a helicopter falling and exploding upon impact with the ground.

Source | Archive

We also found this video being shared on the YouTube and Instagram platforms. Hence, we decided to do a fact-check on this video.

Fact Check

Using the Reverse Image Search feature with keyframes from the video, we discovered that the same video was posted nearly two years ago. Contrary to what was initially believed, the footage was not filmed in Azerbaijan, where President Raisi had the accident. Instead, it shows a Border Patrol MI-8 helicopter crash in the northern mountains of Georgia, filmed in July 2022.


In the above video, a border police helicopter crashed in Gudauri, Georgia, with eight people confirmed onboard, according to the Georgian Interior Ministry. The helicopter, on a rescue mission for stranded paragliders, lost control and crashed in a ravine. Those onboard included four crew members, two Ministry of Internal Affairs rescuers, and two medics. Read the news about this accident here.

Last Updates on President Raisi’s Helicopter Accident

On May 23, 2024, a preliminary report by the Iranian Armed Forces gave details about the helicopter crash which resulted in the death of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian. According to the report, there were no signs of gunfire or similar damage and the helicopter followed its intended route before it caught fire and crashed. The report also mentioned that adverse weather and challenging terrain delayed the search and rescue operations.

Furthermore, the review of communications from the control tower revealed no suspicious activities. The helicopter was returning from a dam inauguration at the Iran-Azerbaijan border and there were no survivors from the crash. Turkey aided the rescue efforts by providing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). In the aftermath of the crash, Vice President Mokhber and Deputy Foreign Minister Kani have been appointed as the interim president and foreign minister respectively. The final results of the investigation are still pending. (Source)

Read also: Old Video From Turkey Falsely Shared Linking To Iranian President’s Helicopter Crash


A video circulating on social media, allegedly showing the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, is misleading. The footage is from a 2022 Border Patrol MI-8 helicopter crash in Georgia. The actual crash involving President Raisi occurred in Azerbaijan and resulted in no survivors. The cause of the crash is still under investigation, but preliminary reports indicate no signs of gunfire or suspicious activities.


Title:Misleading Video Falsely Linked to President Raisi's Accident

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading