The viral video depicts an incident at Hsinchu in Taiwan in 2020 during an International kite festival and is NOT related to India or Sri Lanka.

A scary video showing a little girl hanging on to a giant kite while being lifted high in the air is being shared on social media with the claim that it shows a 3-year-old girl being raised by a giant kite in Ahmedabad. The video's caption reads "Three-year-old girl flew away with the kite in Ahmedabad.. thank God, she has come down safely..Very scary."

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This video was shared among social media users in Sri Lanka as well; many had inquired about the origins of the video.

Fact Check-

By performing a simple reverse image search on Google with the key frames of the video, we found a report from the US-based Tech Times published on 31 August 2020 with the caption "Huge Kite Violently Throws A Young Girl Into the Air After She Was Tangled In Its Tail." The same viral video also can be seen along with the report.

According to the report, "A young Taiwanese toddler was thrown high up in the air after getting tangled in a massive kite's tail. The shocking incident happened during a Taiwanese festival in Hsinchu".

During our search, we came across numerous media reports about this incident.

Below you can read an excerpt from an article by the CNN on the incident:

Taiwan News reported the three-year-old girl named Lin only suffered from minor cuts and bruises. However, the city government, which organized the festival, did not expect the sudden strong wind, which reportedly measured a level 7 on the Beaufort Scale. Shortly after the incident, the entire event was called off. Later, Lin Chih-Chien, the city's mayor, issued an apology on behalf of the town and ordered an investigation to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Further searching, we found the same video uploaded on YouTube on 1 September 2020 with the caption "Taiwan Kite Festival: 3-Year-Old Gets Entangled In Kite Strings". The description says, "A kite-flying festival turned terrifying in Taiwan on Sunday when a 3-year-old girl became entangled in the tail of a giant kite and sent flying high into the air".

Taking into account all of the evidence, it is clear that the incident occurred in Taiwan in 2020


Fact Crescendo found the claim made along with the viral video to be False. The viral video depicts an incident that occurred in Taiwan in 2020 during a kite festival, not in Ahmadabad.


Title:3 year old girl flew away with kite is not from Ahmadabad

Fact Check By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: False