Massive vaccination campaigns against the COVID-19 pandemic were launched during the global pandemic. It is a proven fact that vaccination has contributed to reducing deaths, mitigating pandemic risks, and paving the way for the world to recover from the pandemic. However, there has recently been a wave of social media posts criticizing vaccinations, some claiming that the side effects of vaccinations are causing various physical disorders in humans, such as heart attacks. There have also been many posts criticizing vaccinations and the pharmaceutical industry. This investigation is about one such misleading social media post.

Social Media Posts

Posts stating that Robert De Niro, the famous American actor, criticizes the vaccines and pharmacological industry are being shared.

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We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

The video is actually from 2016 and was broadcast by NBC News. In the video, De Niro expresses concerns about a possible link between vaccines and autism, as well as about the CDC and big pharmaceutical companies. However, these concerns have not been proven yet.

The original video can be watched below.

Here, De Niro talks about the controversial documentary film Vaxxed.

Robert De Niro was involved in the 2016 documentary "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," which promotes the controversial claim that vaccines cause autism.

De Niro was one of the founders of the Tribeca Film Festival, which was scheduled to screen "Vaxxed" in 2016. However, after facing backlash from the medical community and public health advocates, De Niro withdrew the film from the festival.

In an interview with NBC News, De Niro said that he had decided to withdraw the film because it "wasn't complete" and he wanted to "give time for other voices to be heard." However, he also said he still had "concerns" about vaccines and autism.

De Niro's involvement in "Vaxxed" was controversial, and many people criticized him for promoting a dangerous and unscientific film. However, De Niro has defended his decision, saying he simply wanted to give people a platform to share their stories.

It is important to note that the overwhelming scientific consensus is that vaccines are safe and effective and that there is no link between vaccines and autism.

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According to our investigation, we were able to find out that the viral video does not depict current. The conversation of Robert De Niro's stance on vaccines is from 7 years ago and recorded in 2016 for a program of a famous NBC channel.


Title:Robert De Niro's Old Video Criticizing Vaccines and Pharmacological Industry Shared As Current

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Misleading