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Sri Lanka grapples with a significant prevalence of alcohol and drug-related crimes, along with accompanying social and medical issues. Recently, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa highlighted the urgency of reducing these tendencies and advocated for reducing the government's support for the liquor industry. However, certain media outlets have misinterpreted his stance, leading to confusion regarding his stance on the matter.

Media Reports

A recent report by the English daily newspaper Daily Mirror has stirred up discussions regarding the stance of Sajith Premadasa, Leader of the Opposition in Sri Lanka, on the operation of liquor shops and taverns. The report suggests that a future government led by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) would close down all liquor shops and taverns, with exceptions made only for those contributing to tourism.


However, our fact checks reveals that the situation is more nuanced than what was portrayed in the newspaper article.

Context of Statements:

At a public gathering held on May 14th at the Malwathu Hiripitiya Hospital in Gamapaha, Sajith Premadasa addressed the issue of alcohol and drug usage in Sri Lanka.

He criticized the issuance of liquor licenses, especially those near sensitive locations like schools and temples. He emphasized the detrimental effects of substance abuse, particularly on school children, and expressed his commitment to tackling this issue if his party comes to power. (Watch between 30-40 minutes)

Another public gathering in the Anuradhapura district saw similar sentiments echoed by Premadasa. He pledged to cancel licenses that were issued without proper procedure, particularly those targeted at garnering electoral support. (Watch Between 1 hour twenty minutes-30 minutes)

Parliamentary Discourse:

Sajith Premadasa also raised this issue in the Sri Lankan parliament recently, further emphasizing his commitment to reducing alcohol and drug-related problems in the country. His stance in parliamentary discussions aligns with his public statements, stressing the need for stricter regulations on liquor licenses. More details can be read here in Ceylon Today.The speech can be listened here

Misrepresentation in Newspaper Report:

While the initial newspaper report suggested a blanket closure of all liquor shops and taverns under a potential SJB government, this clearly misrepresented facts. Premadasa's statements and actions indicate a more targeted approach, focusing on canceling licenses issued without due process and those posing risks to sensitive areas.

Sajith Premadasa's Post on ‘X’

The opposition leader rejected the newspaper report and explained his views, as seen below. He expressed his disappointment about how ‘Daily Mirror’ misquoted his statements and had not issued a correction statement, as seen below.


We noticed that the newspaper article link had later updated its content and published the story under the headline “Sajith vows to scrap liquor licenses issued as inducements to politicos,” which aligns with the opposition leader's comments.

Exceptions for Tourism:

Premadasa has hinted at exceptions for establishments contributing to tourism. This nuanced approach suggests recognizing the economic and cultural factors involved in the liquor industry.

Focus on Social Welfare:

Premadasa's emphasis on addressing alcohol and drug-related issues stems from genuine concerns for public health and social well-being. Acknowledging the negative impacts on children and communities underscores a commitment to safeguarding vulnerable populations.

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While it's clear that Sajith Premadasa and the SJB are advocating for stricter regulations on liquor licenses and a crackdown on irresponsible practices in the alcohol industry, the assertion that all liquor shops and taverns will be closed under their government is misleading. Sajith stresses that he would take steps to cancel liquor licenses issued as bribes if he came to power, but he never mentions a total ban on all liquor stores.


Title:Sajith Premadasa's Stance on Liquor Shops Gets Misinterpreted by ‘Daily Mirror’

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading