The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is once again dominating international headlines. As with previous flare-ups in violence, social media has been flooded with viral content related to the conflict, a considerable number of which is misleading or false.

This is a complex and nuanced conflict with a long and troubled history. It is important to be critical of any information you see online and to verify it from multiple sources before sharing it.

Social Media Posts

Recently, a video has been circulating on social media with the claim that it shows the Sri Lankan caregiver Anula Jayathilaka, killed by the Hamas attacks on Israel.

It's viral on WhatsApp also.

We decided to do a fact-check on this.

Fact Check

  1. Visual Discrepancies: A careful examination of the video and available images of Anula Jayathilaka shows significant physical differences between the woman in the video and Anula. This raises doubts about the video's authenticity in portraying the woman as Anula Jayathilaka.

  1. Video Subtitles: We found the video that includes subtitles where a Hamas gunman reportedly states that they will not kill women, the elderly, or children. These subtitles contradict the claim that the video shows the killing of Anula Jayathilaka. We checked and found the subtitles are accurate. It is further evidence that the woman in the video is not her.
  1. Lack of Mainstream Media Reports: We could not find any credible reports from mainstream media sources that confirm the video's depiction of Anula Jayathilaka as the victim of recent Hamas attacks in Israel. The absence of such reports further casts doubt on the claim.

Sri Lankan Ambassador to Israel Nimal Bandara stated that Israeli authorities have confirmed the death of Sri Lankan national Anula Jayathilake, who was previously reported missing, and the Sri Lankan Embassy is expecting her body within two days.

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In conclusion, our fact-checking efforts have revealed that the video in question does not depict Anula Jayathilaka, the Sri Lankan caregiver who was recently confirmed dead during recent Hamas attacks in Israel. The physical differences between the woman in the video and Anula, as well as the video's subtitles, which suggest the intention to spare women, the elderly, and children, all provide strong evidence against this claim.


Title:This Video Does NOT Depict Anula Jayathilaka Under Hamas Custody!

Written By: Kalana Krishantha

Result: Misleading