A Video was shared on social media claiming that WION News Published a news video regarding Isham Marikar. Even though most of the publishers had removed the content immediately from their social media accounts, many users were misled by the screenshots, which continued to go viral among Sri Lankan users.

However, our Fact Crescendo team investigation revealed that this was yet another hoax.

What is the Claim:

A series of posts went viral with the claim that according to a report published by WION news, a popular media outlet in India, The All Ceylon Muslim Congress leader, Rishard Bathiudeen, is operating freely in the Puttalam area and all local politicians except a young politician named SM Isham Marikar had been supporting him. It is also claimed that if the people of Puttalam start to rally behind Isham Marikar, it can be seen as a recent development in the upcoming elections.

The full video claim can be seen below.

Facebook Link | Archived Link

Fact Check:

We first examined the viral video frame by frame and noticed several differences from the usual videos produced by WION News.

Upon closer examination, we discovered that the background voice in the video was generated using artificial intelligence. Additionally, after reviewing several videos from WION News, we found no instances where they used such background voices.

The editing techniques in the viral video differ significantly from those used by WION News. WION News never included its logo in the top right corner of its videos, and it used different fonts, as seen in the viral video.

A person in a suit and tie  Description automatically generated

To verify this further, we contacted the Sri Lankan representative of WION News, who categorically stated that the information was entirely false. She emphasised that WION News has not published any such video, and such misinformation could damage the company's reputation.

It was also noted that she had posted about this on her official X account.

Isham Marikar’s Political Stance

Isham Marikar is the leader of the Clean Nation Movement and, from analysis of his social media’s we found that he is having a plan to contest for upcoming parliamentary election too.

For more facts, follow us on our social media.

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Our investigation has revealed that the video circulating as news about Isham Marikar, allegedly published by WION News, was not actually released by WION News.


Title:WION News Published a news video regarding young politician Isham Marikar?

Fact Check By: S.G.Prabu

Result: False