Multiple earthquakes hit Japan on 1 January 2024. A tsunami was alerted in the country and many people witnessed 5 feet high tsunami waves. According to the Local Met office, around 21 earthquakes with 4.0 magnitude were recorded.

Against this backdrop, a video of a flooded city with many boats being trampled is going viral on social media. Users are claiming that this is a visual of a tsunami that hit Ishikawa in Japan on 1 January 2024.

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Another user shared a similar video saying, “Look at the damage in Japan. Terrible way to start 2024. Pray for Japan”

Fact Check-

A Google Reverse Image search on a keyframe led us to the similar video uploaded on ABC News’s YouTube Channel in 2011. According to the report, Japan faced a massive tsunami of 30 feet high in March, 2011.

This tsunami rose in the Pacific Ocean and brought disaster to Japan. The tsunami waves filled the Sendai Airport runways with water and the 16 floor airport was overflowed with cars and small planes and bodies.

We found the same video uploaded on Associated Press YouTube Channel in 2011 saying that this incident took place in Miyako city of Japan. The caption reads, “Raw Video: Tsunami wave smashes boats and cars.” Below you can see the video.

Further search led us to a website describing the whole incident that took place in 2011. According to the report, on 11 March 2011, an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude generated a tsunami at the coast of Japan. The waves of the ocean were recorded to be 24 feet high. More than 100,000 buildings, roads and bridges were damaged. In some areas, tsunami waves reached 6 km inland.


Fact Crescendo found the claim to be misleading. Although the video is from Japan, it is more than a decade old. A video of the tsunami in Japan from 2011 went viral as a recent incident.


Title:Is this a recent video of damage in Japan due to the recent tsunami? Know the truth.

Written By: Fact Crescendo Team

Result: Misleading